Extra Virgin Certification
We are in the process of getting our Certification from the California Olive Oil Council. We just finished the analysis and now for...
How to Select Good Olive Oil
How to Select Great Olive Oil Making great extra virgin olive oil is an art, from carefully tending the trees, all the way to bottling...
We love visitors
We were so blessed to have Billy and Dana come to visit. The old lesbians retirement center is under way. Thanks Dana!!
4 Cough Oil
Did you know that coughing after tasting olive oil is good? According to someone who tasted our oil recently, it was 4 cough oil. He...

Bloom Set
The blooms this year are beautiful. If this is any indication of what harvest will be like, then harvest is going to be great! We are...

Bee's Come to Dove Creek Olive Oil
Michael Eggman delivered bee hives to the farm! We are so excited to have bees wintering over. Shown here are the baby hives, on our...